Friday, April 17, 2020
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie Essay Example
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie Paper The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie BY prs95 Form is inseparable from content in a work of literature. How do the formal qualities of narratives shape the readers experience of their contents? German philosopher, Immanuel Kant, has supported the statement Form is inseparable from content in a work of literature. He strongly believed that Form without content is empty; content without form is blind. l (page 157) It can be argued that the formal qualities in literature are a key aspect in contributing to the readers overall experience. E. M Forster has suggested that the generic structure of a ovel should entail a beginning, middle and an end. 2 In Muriel Sparks novel The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, the author has challenged this traditional format through illustrating events in an anachronical form and through the inclusion of a universal omniscient narrator, which has resulted in a build up of suspense, reinforced the novels thematic richness and enabled the reader to recognise the development of characters throughout. Reflecting upon Forsters belief, I would have to disagree with this and feel that Sparks structure has successfully enhanced the readers appreciation of the novel as a whole. On general terms, it seems clear to me that the form of literature is a tool used by authors in order to display the content within the novel in a certain fashion. This will result in the reader interpreting the text in a specific way, driven by the writer. This reflects Kants opinion when focusing on the divorce of form with content. We will write a custom essay sample on The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In any novel, and in every aspect of life, time is of paramount importance. In Sparks novel, this facet is manipulated in such a way to be unfamiliar to the reader, yet still providing structure. Despite foreshadowing events of the story, the reader has become intrigued to find out the reasons as to why ertain events occur. Time as a general concept, can be used by writers to emphasise events and regardless of the malleability of time as a structural point, linearity cannot be eradicated completely it fundamentally acts as a structural base for a novel. At the start of the novel, it is immediately clear to the reader that the pattern of time is not in a chronological order, as Spark has included numerous counts of analepsis and prolepsis. This has insistently drawn the reader to a question of time, and it is obvious Spark has explicitly made this a key focal point for the reader. At he first introduction to the Brodie Set, we are informed that the girls are fourth- form (page 5). Following this, there is a flashback to when the girls were age twelve, and then a scene of the girls at the age of sixteen. The individuality of the girls is framed when the reader is told, The five girls, standing very close to each other because of the boys, wore their hats each with a definite difference. (Page 5) Despite sharing the commonality of being a part of The Brodie Set, their differences are highlighted with a flash-forward to how the girls are viewed as individuals later on. Spark has strategically mentioned in the first chapter that Mary Mcgreggor lost her life in a hotel fire (page 14). This key piece of information has signified this event, which has ultimately created a sense of tension, and despite knowing the fate of Mary, the reader almost feels obliged to continue reading. This early foreknowledge one has of Marys fate, affects how the reader views her throughout the remainder of influencing our reading, but anticipation of the event is not strong. (140)3 Looking at this quote, I have already shown a way in which the technique of prolepsis can have strong impact on the reader, however Bridgemans radical statement implying that the readers anticipation is minimal due to the mere knowledge of what happens, I would have to disagree. By simply knowing key events about the content of a novel, the reader begins to actively think about the circumstances surrounding such events, ultimately creating a strong sense of anticipation. Continuing on from Bridgemans view, John Holloway feels that The fact remains that the structure of this narrative is largely a matter of the constant operation of writing a next event so as to negate an xisting forward. 4 (Page 591) He has applied this statement with direct relation to Sparks novel. One may say that this view is too simplistic as it only focuses on the surface of the basic structure. The narrative has foreshadowed many of the events that follow, however the context of these events remains unclear until the story has evolved. There is constant movement within the story, as themes and characters develop. Additionally to Sparks consistent use of prolepsis and analepsis, the form of narrative used has also affected the readers experience of this novel. The main vents of the novel are told through the presence of an omniscient narrator. This has enabled the readers understanding of the main themes of the novel (Miss Brodies Prime and its effect on her pupils) to be deepened. It has created a strong sense of perspective for the reader, and allowed him or her to form an opinion that is not based directly from one of the characters point of view, which is often biased or unreliable. John Morreal has criticised the omniscient narrator, and has said, Omniscience could not provide a filter for a story in the way that the limited knowledge of an internal narrator does. 5 (Page 432) I believe Sparks novel as an example, negates this claim entirely. The style of narrative used, reveals knowledge through the use of prolepsis and analepsis in such a way only to inform the reader of brief, yet vital events. With regards to The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, if Spark had instead used an internal narrator, the content of the novel would not have been delivered as effectively as it has done with the omniscient narrator, and it would possibly lack its uniqueness. Overall, this has helped shape the readers understanding and experience. The impact of an omniscient narrator can be pplied to other texts, such as Henry James The Turn of the Screw. In this case, the omniscient narrator has been included in order to introduce a sense of uncertainty to the reader, as the narrative form initially seems to lack credibility and reliability. It has presented a perspective that not only links to the uncertainty experienced by the governess herself, but also to influence the outcome the reader takes away from the story. This can therefore draw a likeness to the narrative form in Sparks novel it has been used in order to directly impact the reader. Furthermore, a primary function f a narrative is to tell a story and create a mood, which is achieved in this novel through various language techniques, including speech. The use of direct speech has allowed the reader to gain an insight of characters themselves. Miss Brodie says Give me a girl at an impressionable age, and she is mine for life. This statement, direct from Brodie herself, frames her manipulative personality and her desire to assert control on vulnerable people. The power this has of being direct speech character. It therefore adds a sense of truthfulness to what the reader is told. The ood throughout varies with instances of humour, seriousness and a sense of pity (towards the victims of Brodies manipulation). This constant change in tone creates mixed emotions yet keeps the reader entertained and focused. The reader experiences different emotions whilst forming an impression on Jean Brodie. The use of speech further creates a sense of distance between the reader and Miss Brodie as her character becomes more and more unattractive, however the readers empathy grows for the individual members of the Brodie Set as the harsh effects Brodie has, start to become apparent. Critic Peter Robert Brown has stated that; Readers are encouraged to acknowledge their participation in victimization in the actual world and to reflect on the role that narrative plays in the process and Justification of victimization. 6 (229) This suggestion implies that the readers experiences throughout the novel are somewhat based on their own personal experiences, and a sense of appreciation can be formed based on this. Finally, an important aspect of form, especially with reference to Sparks novel, is the repetition, which emphasises the main themes, fundamentally leading the reader to having a greater ense of the me ssage Spark has aimed to convey. The word prime is mentioned again and again through the course of the novel. In addition to being in the title, and mentioned throughout, the word is even said in the closing sentence of the novel. There was a Miss Jean Brodie in her prime. This is an exact repetition of what Sandy had said earlier on in the novel (page 35). This closing sentence successfully reiterates the theme of ones Prime, and leaves a lasting impression on the reader, allowing him to reflect and create his or her own opinion on what exactly ones prime is, and how Brodies prime affected the girls. Continuing on from the impact repetition has, it almost mirrors the repetitiveness of time itself. This parallel draws attention to the non-linear structure of time, and highlights its individuality. In conclusion, the basic structure of time and unraveling of events has been manipulated a clear representation of the manipulation the girls experience as a consequence of Miss Brodies actions. The formal qualities used by Spark extend further to the narrative technique and aspects such as speech. Looking back at what Forster suggested, Sparks innovative structure has proven successful and has esulted in positively impacting the readers experience of the novel. It has highlighted main themes, reinforced ideas and enabled the reader to recognise the development in characters. With regards to the statement that Form is inseparable from content in a work of literature, it is clear that the two can be differentiated, however they both positively correlate and compliment the purpose and effect each has. Spark has used the form of her work to illustrate the content in order to influence the way in which the reader interoperates certain aspects of the novel.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
How to Write a Sample Narrative Essay in Fifth Grade
How to Write a Sample Narrative Essay in Fifth GradeDo you think you could write a sample narrative essay in fifth grade? You do not have to be the best writer out there, but you can still write a great one.Using your own family history and talking about your life in the present time, you can write a good work of fiction in fifth grade. In order to do this, you have to keep the writing simple and short. Don't use anything but proper grammar.Have a good outline of your story and do not forget that you should include everything that is important to the school curriculum. It is not necessary to make a textbook in fifth grade. In fact, if you have to start with a book on fifth grade, then you may need to turn to another source to help you.Do not make it too personal, even though you are using your own names and a story that happened to you. If you are having a hard time getting around to it, use a resource such as the Internet to help you. However, don't do it in the middle of class so y ou don't have to go anywhere. This way, you will have more time to finish it.When you decide to try to write a sixth grade narrative essay, start working on it after you have finished all of your fourth through eighth grade work. Write it as though you are preparing for the ACT or SAT. Your teachers are usually helpful with suggestions for different topics and writing samples, so if you get a good first draft, you might want to ask your teacher to read it.Take the final version back to your teacher to help you get better grades in seventh, eighth, and ninth grades. They can give you some advice about what to include in the essay, how to structure it, and how to improve your writing skills.If you want to learn how to write a narrative essay in fifth grade, you can do it yourself by following some of the guidelines listed above. Then, look at the sample and think about how you can improve it to make it something you can actually use.
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